“From Belgrade to Boundless Joy: The Tale of Ajda, the Feline Fighter”

Towards the middle of December 2021, Aleksandra Trajković Pavlović shared pictures of an adorable feline who was in dire need of help. According to her post, the cat had been attacked by dogs, and a lady who found her was unable to provide adequate treatment or care. The cat’s legs were both injured, with one entirely broken, and she also suffered from a spinal injury and a sizable hematoma on her back. The cat was immediately taken to a veterinarian for evaluation to determine if surgery was necessary and what steps should be taken next.

Aleksandra reported that Matsa underwent spine and leg scans which revealed that she had three bite wounds on her spine and a sizable abscess that was causing pressure on it. The wounds were cleaned and a significant amount of pus was drained out, after which Matsa was put on a course of antibiotics. The good news was that her spine wasn’t damaged but she did have some neurological issues with one leg being fully extended and a kneecap problem with the other. Additionally, her pelvis had shifted out of place. Since the wounds had not been treated for a few days, they emitted a strong odor. We are keeping an eye on her condition to monitor any further developments.

The priority was to address the swelling and infection in order to progress with necessary measures. Ajda, despite her name, was struggling with exhaustion and discomfort, leaving Aleksandra hopeful for improvement in her condition.

As time passed, she started to make a gradual recovery from her injuries. In late December 2019, Aleksandra shared an update on Ajda’s health, revealing that one of her legs was giving her trouble and it was suspected to be a knee fracture. However, due to the ongoing pain and skin damage, they had to postpone further tests until the leg had healed. Thankfully, Ajda began to slowly improve with the help of therapy and hospitalization.

Thanks to exercise, proper care and dedication, she was making a steady recovery. She was even able to walk and her wounds were healing nicely. The only remaining issue was a small hematoma on her spine. Aleksandra noted that Ajda had been badly injured by the dogs and was unable to walk or perform basic bodily functions. However, they were both relieved to have put that difficult time behind them.

After several months, in May 2022, Ajda underwent surgery. It was discovered that the hematoma on her back was actually a hernia, but luckily, the issue was fixed right away through sterilization and repair. Aleksandra held onto the hope that things would start looking up for Ajda, who had been tirelessly working through this tough time.

Aleksandra has dedicated more than a year of her time and effort to nurse a furry friend back to health, and now the animal is fully recovered. This companion has received all necessary vaccinations and has been spayed. Despite all the love and care bestowed upon her, she does have a dislike for cats and would prefer to live in a separate room, cuddling with only her human. Aleksandra has put out a call to those who may be interested in providing a forever home where this lovable creature can be the only pet and receive all the attention she desires. The kind-hearted animal lover named her Ajda and hopes that someone out there will give her the dream home she longs for.

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