“A Stray Feline’s Plight: Abandoned and Ailing due to Multiple Health Issues”

Felix, a cat shelter located in Subotica, has disclosed that they are frequently asked why they keep their address confidential. They have now revealed the reason for this policy. On a Tuesday morning at 6 am on April 18th, someone left a box outside their gate. The box was tied with wire and contained no food for the cats.

Inside the box, there was a cute little kitten. The group of people who found her made sure to arrange for transportation to the vet’s office. They knew better than to bring an unfamiliar cat into contact with other felines or vulnerable individuals until they had a clear understanding of her health status.

The veterinary clinic gave Maca a thorough examination. As an adult tricolor cat, she was found to be chip-less and unsterilized, but with only a positive result for feline corona and normal blood count. Despite having a discharge from her eye, she was otherwise healthy and affectionate, enjoying cuddles and food. However, the clinic expressed concern about the appearance of her ears, fearing they might indicate cancer. To ensure her ongoing wellbeing, Maca should undergo sterilization and vaccination.

The shelter is left wondering why someone would abandon a perfectly healthy and domesticated adult cat. It’s saddening to see how humanity has failed to recognize the basic needs of living beings. The cat was spayed on April 21, and while the shelter staff noticed an unusual condition in her reproductive system, they haven’t encountered such a case before. They’re also concerned about a possible ear cancer, so the cat still needs to undergo surgery.

She underwent various procedures such as spaying, deworming, and flea testing. Additionally, she also underwent surgery to treat her ear cancer and is presently in the process of recuperating in a cage until her stitches are removed. Although it is currently cold and there is no sausage in sight, she is being well-cared for and cherished. While they cannot definitively say if she is content with her new situation, the fact that she was previously left by her previous owner and could have ended up in much worse conditions makes them feel grateful to have her as their beloved tricolor flower.

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