“Flaming Crowned Beauty: Discover the Enchanting Wire-tailed Manakin with its Vibrant Orange Crown and Cheerful Yellow Accents!”

Amazingly Gorgeous: Presenting the Wire-tailed Manakin, Crowned with a dazzling flaming orange crown and adorned with a bright yellow face and belly!

The Amazon Basin is home to a variety of stunning bird species, including one with a striking orange crown and bright yellow face and belly. This particular bird belongs to the Pipridae family and is known as the wire-tailed manakin, or Pipra filicauda. These birds are relatively small, measuring 11.5cm in length, not including the female’s 2.5cm filaments or the male’s tail filaments. The male has a black back, with a vibrant crimson crown and nape, and internal white flying feathers that are rarely visible unless he is in flight. The unique feature of this bird is its tail feathers which bend upward and inward, forming antlers. The cheeks, undersides, and forehead of the male are a brilliant electric yellow, adding to its overall beauty.

In terms of physical appearance, it’s worth noting that the female of this species has a lighter yellow belly compared to the male. Her upper body is olive-green, while her lower part is noticeably paler. Another distinguishing feature is her shorter tail when compared to the male.

This creature can be found in the headwaters of the western Amazon Basin, including Brazil and neighboring countries like northern Peru, eastern Ecuador, Colombia, and southern and western Venezuela.

The wire-tailed manakin is commonly found in open spaces and humid tropical forests. They can even be spotted near agricultural land, especially close to water sources. Even though they mainly feed on fruits and berries, they also have a knack for catching small insects while flitting through the air.

Male members of this species have a tendency to mate with multiple partners and create leks in the forest at random intervals. These leks are usually constructed on branches that are situated between one to eight meters above ground level. Once mating has occurred, the females proceed to create a type of hammock-like nest using braided fibers and grass on small trees near bodies of water. They generally lay one or two eggs, which hatch in about 17 to 21 days. The female bird takes care of the newly hatched chicks until they mature, which typically takes around 13 to 15 days.

Although there is no exact count of the current population, experts think that this type of animal can be found in many places, although not necessarily evenly distributed. At present, there is no reason to believe that the species is at risk of declining in number, unless there is solid evidence indicating otherwise.

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