“Feline’s Incredible Transformation: From Struggling with Sight to Revealing Stunning Beauty”

Cat Could Barely See When Found, Makes Stunning Transformation and Shows How Beautiful He Truly is

Don’t forget to follow Love Meow on Facebook! There’s a feline friend who was discovered with poor vision, but has since undergone an incredible change and now reveals his true beauty.

cat snuggling friend

A few months back, Andrea Christian, a foster for St. Francis Society Animal Rescue, received a request to help a cat suffering from mange. The poor feline had scabies all over his body and his eyes were glued shut. Knowing that the cat needed immediate attention, Andrea cleared some space in her already full foster home for him. The cat’s mange had become so bad that he couldn’t even walk properly. But despite his condition, the cat, who Andrea named Mystic, remained interested in food and craved affection. He tried to eat, but his face was covered with a thick mask, making it difficult for him to do so.

cat with mange

Mystic was in a sorry state, his fur infested with mange, but thanks to Andrea @turtlecatfoster’s kindness, he found himself in a cozy room where his recovery could begin. With gentle care, Andrea started the arduous task of cleaning the crusty skin, and as she worked her magic, Mystic’s hidden beauty was revealed. His eyes opened, and a once-ailing soul was rejuvenated.

cat mange healing

Andrea, who goes by the username @turtlecatfoster, recounted how she only realized that Mystic had heterochromia, or two different colored eyes, after cleaning his face. The white cat had one blue eye and one yellow eye, but he didn’t seem to be bothered by it as he happily ate his food and took his medicine like a pro.

cat two colored eyes

When Andrea met Mystic, she noticed that he had a unique feature – two different colored eyes. He was initially shy, but quickly warmed up to her and allowed her to take care of him. After a week of being treated and fed, Mystic’s physical health improved, but he still preferred to hide until he received some affection.

lap cat mystic, heterochromia cat

Andrea, who goes by the username @turtlecatfoster, was taking care of a cat named Fuzzy Biscuits who also had mange just like Mystic. One day, she decided to introduce the two cats since they were both healthy now and had undergone necessary tests. To her surprise, Mystic and Fuzzy Biscuits hit it off right away. Mystic cuddled up to Fuzzy Biscuits while the latter groomed him lovingly. It was truly a beautiful moment to witness.

cats snuggly best friends

Mystic and Fuzzy Biscuits hit it off right from the start and became the best of friends in no time. Andrea, who fosters Turtle Cats, noticed an instant change in Mystic’s demeanor as he found someone he could relate to and share his joys with. The two cats would nuzzle against each other, purring in unison, which filled the room with warmth and love. Mystic, who was once shy and reserved, has now transformed into a confident and happy cat, with the most adorable paws that express his contentment by kneading on soft surfaces and stretching his toes in the air.

kneady cat mystic, heterochromia cat

Andrea from @turtlecatfoster shared that her feline friend loves to knead on soft objects. The cat has also become more confident in approaching people for head scratches, thanks to the safe home and loving care provided by his best friend. Mystic and Fuzzy Biscuits have both received weeks of treatment and tender loving care, resulting in their beautiful, shiny coats and Mystic’s newfound affectionate nature.

sweet lap cat mystic

According to Andrea from @turtlecatfoster, this cat is very affectionate and kind-hearted, despite the hardships he has faced in the past. He gets along well with all the other animals in their fostering home and has never had any disagreements with other felines. His favorite thing to do is snuggle up as close as possible to Andrea and purr himself to sleep.

sweet white cat, different colored eyes cat

Andrea from Turtle Cat Foster has announced that Mystic is now up for adoption. Mystic will be accompanied by his loyal pal Fuzzy Biscuits to start their new love story together in a loving home. Although Mystic may seem shy at first, Andrea assures that once he realizes he’s in a safe and loving environment, he will open up and become more affectionate towards his new family.

snuggly happy cat

According to Andrea from the Turtle Cat Foster, the cat in question holds a special place in her heart. She has made a vow to find him a loving family that needs him as much as he needs them.

cuddly cat sweet mystic

Hey guys, be sure to spread the word about this heartwarming story. You can also check out more of Mystic, Fuzzy Biscuits, and my other foster pets on my Instagram page @turtlecatfoster and on St Francis Society Animal Rescue’s page @stfrancisrescuetampa. Let’s spread some love for our furry friends!

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