“Discovering the Beauty of Multicolored Birds: A Surprising Elegance”

This little avian creature boasts a stunning array of colours and has a penchant for dwelling amongst the lush canopies of damp forests.

The lush and vibrant green-headed tanager (Tangara seledon) is often found dwelling in the humid Atlantic woodland. Interestingly, its surroundings serve as the perfect camouflage for this stunning bird. The male boasts a striking and intricate plumage, displaying shades of aquamarine-green on the head, nape, and cheeks. A yellow-green band stretches across the upper mantle and nape, while the back and scapulars are black. The rump exhibits a delightful shade of orangish-yellow, and the upper-tail covers are a vivid apricot-green. Meanwhile, the female bears a similar appearance to the male, albeit significantly less attractive. Moreover, young birds tend to vibrate less than the adult birds. This exceptional species is widespread in northeastern Armenia, contiguous regions of northeastern Paraguay, and southeast Brazil.

The Green-Headed Tanager has a diet primarily composed of fruits and anthropopods, which includes both natural and domesticated berries from bromeliads along with various other sources. This bird has been seen foraging in pairs or small groups of up to 20, and sometimes joins mixed-species flocks. Its energetic nature is evident in its crooked movements while hopping around branches, gleaning from leaf litter and bark, and using its bill to manipulate fruits.

The Green-headed Tanager, a species that practices monogamy, builds a small nest made of grass and leaves during mating season. Both male and female birds take part in constructing the nest, laying eggs, and incubating them. Sometimes, the male woos the female before mating. After 13-14 days of incubation, the female lays 2-3 light-colored eggs. The chicks hatch after about 14 to 18 days and rely on their parents for food. The parents may attempt a second brood, and young from previous broods may accompany adults for several months throughout their first year.

The Green-Headed Tanager is currently considered safe from endangerment. However, it has vanished from certain deforested areas and is not found in the remaining wooded regions of southern Brazil. It is rare to spot these birds in local events, and they are often limited to protected areas.

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