A Delicate and Refined Bird in Soft Pastel Tones of Blue-Gray and Pale Pink.

Presenting the Elegant and Subdued Bird in Gentle Pastel Shades of Blue-Gray and Pale Pink.

The male and female long-tailed finch, scientifically known as Poephila acuticauda, have different weights ranging from 11.4 to 17.6 grams and 13.5 to 16.2 grams, respectively. Both sexes share the same body length of 160 mm and are recognized by their long black tails. They also have a prominent round-shaped black bib on their throat and chest. Among all finch species in Australia, the long-tailed finch is the largest because of their elongated tails. Their coat color is mostly brown with a blue-grey head, neck, and eye ring. The lore is slender and black, while their flanks and belly have a pinkish-grey hue. They have a distinct black ribbon at the rear with white on the opposite end.

Typically, male birds have longer wings and tails compared to female birds. The Long-tailed finch is found in the northern parts of Australia, specifically from Kimberley up to Gulf of Carpentaria. They thrive in grassy woodland and grasslands.

The Long-tailed finch has a preference for ripe and semi-ripe seeds of grass and herbaceous plants in their natural habitat. During the breeding season, they supplement their diet with insects and even capture flying insects such as winged termites.

Long-tailed finches enjoy breeding in hollows found in trees or shrubs. They build their nests using grass with wider blades on the outside and finer stems, seed heads, and woolly plant fibers for the interior chamber. These nests can be found up to four meters above the ground and eighteen meters high. The parents can lay up to five dull white oval-shaped eggs, which they incubate for a maximum of 17 days. Interestingly, there have been accounts of older siblings helping their parents care for their younger siblings.

The IUCN Red List has classified this feathered creature as vulnerable.

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